Upside-down, on one leg, standing, with fists clenched, or taking it in turns- discover how different animals sleep in the Sumatran forests.
If you think jellyfish are nothing but slimy, scary creatures, this film will stun you with mind-boggling facts about the unique species!
Perhaps, the last ever chronicle of the many unique species of birds and animals that live in the Atlantic Forest in Brazil.
What lies within the world’s largest known cave? Find out in this expedition into the dark world of the Sarawak Chamber.
Meet the men and women who dare to live with tigers, on a safari through the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve in India.
Shark diving- is it about studying & conserving gigantic creatures of the sea? Or just a means to facilitate marine tourism and adventure?
The man-elephant clashes in Kenya and Tanzania can be stopped by using chili, a jumbo deterrent. How practical is its use on the ground?
Hardened criminals are made to train wild horses. But will the wild horses succeed in taming them?
Deep in the Earth’s crust lies the solution to the most pressing crisis approaching mankind. Follow Alain Gachet on his mission to uncover it.
In the city of love, get relationship lessons from the parrots, sloths, baboons, and jaguars living in the Paris Zoo.
Discover how Grand Isle, Louisiana, continues to suffer the repercussions of the worst man-made environmental disaster in U.S. history.
Two friends become a part of an isolated tribe in the Ecuadorian rainforest in their attempt to build a dugout canoe.
Explore Kaziranga National Park, a biodiversity hotspot, and perhaps the last secure home of the Asian elephant in India.
Surreal, otherworldly, fantastic, and yet, right here on Earth. Take a trip to the magical and magnificent Zhangjiajie National Park.
120 km of a frozen river that shape-shifts daily. 150 men who need to cross it to reach their homes. Every year. Follow their journey.
Can urban decay become a haven for homeless wildlife? Ruhr Valley exemplifies how nature can take over man made ruins & make it their own!
How has man managed to share territories with one of the most dangerous carnivores in the wild? Uncover these secrets of cohabitation.
Lynx, European otter, common viper, hazel grouse & many other species turn the Bavarian Forest National Park into an enchanted wonderland!
Watch ship sinkers turn floating junkyards on the ocean into habitats for innumerable marine species.